Scholarship Recipient Highlight: Jeffrey Hassebrock, M.D.

Dr. Hassebrock is one of the fortunate recipients of the AANA22 ResidentScholarship, which is generously funded by the AANA Education Foundation.He’s an Orthopaedic Resident completing his residency at the Mayo Clinic ofArizona this June. He will then pursue an arthroscopy and sports medicinefellowship at the University of Colorado.

A frequent AANA Annual Meeting attendee, Dr. Hassebrock attended his firstannual meeting in 2019 to present research. Dr. Hassebrock had been considering a career pathorthopaedic surgery, particularly arthroscopy, but it wasn’t until he attended AANA19 that hesolidified his decision.

As a PGY5 Resident preparing to transition into fellowship training, Dr. Hassebrock finds itincredible to connect with mentors who address real-life controversies in the operating room anddevelop innovative ways to solve those controversies; in his eyes, this is just one of the numerousbenefits to attending the AANA Annual Meeting.

This is an except from the March E-Digest. Read the full message below.

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