Pearls are an informal way for AANA members to share lessons learned and helpful hints with their colleagues.

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The material in pearls comes exclusively from the contributors identified in each entry. AANA does not research, review, or otherwise verify any of the information contained in pearls. Opinions expressed in pearls are those of the contributors and not necessarily of AANA. Use of any of the information appearing in pearls is the decision of, and the risk, of the user. The techniques and procedures discussed reflect the personal knowledge and experience of the contributors and demonstrate their views of the methods that may be used for these medical procedures. Any questions or request for additional information concerning any of the entries in pearls should be addressed directly to the contributors. The procedures demonstrated do not incorporate all known techniques, are not exclusive, and other techniques and technology may also be available. AANA expressly disclaims any warranties or guarantees, express or implied, and shall not be liable for damages of any kind in connection with the material, information, techniques, or procedures set forth in pearls. is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors.
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